Hi All!
Thought I'd just update everyone on what I have been doing, and what the future holds for me, if anyone was curious...
Right now, I am taking 3 classes in summer school. They cram one full semester into a 5 week session, and I only have two weeks left! I've been absolutely swamped with homework, and I'm kind of regretting taking 9 credits in only 5 weeks! But this will make my semester easier in the fall when I finally begin my student teaching!
Last month, I interviewed at Grace Jordan Elementary school, and they accepted me to student teach for this coming year. I will be student teaching for 8 weeks in a kindergarten class and 8 weeks in a 4th grade/5th grade combo class. Starting in August, I will be teaching at Grace Jordan 3 days a week and taking night classes 2 days a week. When spring semester arrives, I will be student teaching full-time. If everything goes according to plan, I will be graduating in May, 2010 as an Elementary Education Major/English Minor.
Due to the amount of time and effort I will be devoting to my education, I will be quitting my part-time job of 3 years at Zurchers Party and Wedding Supply Store. I will be moving back in with my parents at the end of July. Trevor is finding a house to rent with his best friend, Uriah, and The Dude.
I am excited that I can finally see the "light at the end of the tunnel" of graduating after 17 years in school! But I suppose I will be spending the rest of my life until retirement in school as a teacher, anyways! I'm pretty nervous about student teaching and starting my career (if I can get a job after I graduate!). I am also very excited. All of these coming changes will definitely be something new, and I hope it will all turn out for the best!
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