Hey all,
For those of you who have just requested to be in my circle of friends, welcome! Just be patience because I am a little out of my element here. Not that I am technologically challenged (which I admit I am a little) but all of a sudden I am dealing with another e-mail address that I had to add to bypass the conflict of having two members with the same address, characters that do not transcribe correctly because they are foreign, etc.
But while I get up to speed on this I will bore you with a little story about the picture. A lot of water has come out of that fountain since the days the picture was taken. But I spent many days in my childhood and youth playing in that plaza called Santa Marina. Yes, those were the days when kids played outside with other living, breathing creatures and no electricity was needed to make the game go, just the energy that your own body created from food, of course that was for those who chose to eat, I, most of the times, decided that eating was totally a nuisance and unnecessary. But, going back to my boring task, the plaza is the original one that existed back when the town was owned by the Count of Onati, from the Guevara family. The first written records of the existence of the town date back to the 10th century, so that is when the place began to exist for all practical and historical purposes. The town was there before, I just can't prove it. Anyway, such Count lived just above the plaza in a tower, which still exists. The Plaza of Santa Marina has changed a little but not my memories of it and I still think that it is the most beautiful place on earth.
If you are more adept at this and would like to be my friends, go ahead and ask. Otherwise, I will do it myself when I figure out how. Hasta pronto. :)