
Better than smoke signals.

and when I asked him recently if he liked my new Sarah Palin glasses, his quick response was "You Bettcha!" He continues to make us laugh and his wit surpasses any person I know, except maybe cousin John. It must be in the name...Sharon (Not a Fan of Sarah, BTW)

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I've heard that the Brunelle sense of humor can be traced to our Irish grandmother. I think I saw a list of her funny sayings that Uncle John faxed to Barney a few years ago.
I loved your reply. Thank you for taking the time to write such a treasure of information! I printed your reply out and sent it with Patricia, who was on her way back to stay with Flo and John tonight...Pat had all of our old family movies put on a DVD and we watched footage of Pat and Bernie in Idaho. She plans to make copies for your family. It was wonderful to see Grandma and Grandpa and Great-Grandma, too. Both you and Aunt Beverly looked like you just stepped out of the movies!
Uncle Barney, you also keep me laughing with your great sense of humor, which I very much appreciate! Thank you! I do recall the size of your driveway, so your new curb appeal will undoubtably go long way. Please send digital pics! Just saw Sarah Palin on SNL and the rap song was very funny. Governor Palin did not seem to mind being made fun of...which is nothing short of, well, strange. But the fact that she is the VP choice of Senator McCain is even stranger...

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